Thursday 29 November 2018

Photography Course

I'm doing an online photography course at the moment with Steve Parish.

I've long been a fan of his work - photos and books - and this course is making me more of a fan, and inspired by him, not just what he produces.

This is an online masterclass run through Griffith University, and the things I've learned are blowing my mind! Not just about taking photos, or camera gear, or even post-production editing. The things that have been most amazing are the less tangible, more personal, things. He's questioning why we take photos, what we want to do with them, do we have a creative purpose in our life?

It's been such an incredible course. Not only am I taking better photos, thinking more about little things like backgrounds, lighting, etc, but now I'm also thinking about "how will I use this image?"

I took some photos for a local business for them to use in their promotional posts online. I would never have done something like that without doing this photography course - or if I did, I would not have taken the photos that I did or the way I took them.

I'm also sorting my old photos. Adding keywords. Thinking about how they might be used. Wondering if they're good enough for others to see, or if they're just to create a memory for me.

Yes, I need to write, but I also need a hobby to refill the well, and sometimes I need to learn more to stretch my brain so I can write differently.

Have you done any courses lately?

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