Thursday 13 December 2018

New story

I've tripped across a couple of authors who have an anthology idea and they've invited me to join in. I'll have to get my skates on because it has to be written soon - just a short story, but they still take me a while :)

I'm really excited because it's come from way out of left field. A month ago, I didn't know either of these authors. That's how out of left field it is - not on any horizon!

We had a meeting about it this week and we agreed on things. It seemed to just work as easily as when I've worked together with good friends - or maybe I'm just not doing enough work :)

We've got quite a tight deadline so I'll have to shut up and work, not blog but I had to share this news.

I have no story idea, no story, which is how I usually work. A scene in my head that looks something a bit like this photo.

A story of a man, a woman and a horse.

Different to the photo, in my scene the woman comes across a riderless horse, captures him, then heads down to the beach to find an injured (limping? broken arm/collarbone?), soaking wet man who's not happy about his bruised ego and damaged body.

The rest of the story is still to be discovered. That's what's exciting about a new story.

The rewrite of my old story is still happening - I'm taking a refresher break. Once this is done, I have two stories to rewrite/finish (one will be a new Dulili story). And I'm going to try to have those done by mid year.

2019 is my year of working hard with writing. Pushing myself to see what I can achieve.

Wish me luck :)

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