I'm re-writing Maloney Boys...and I'm sending myself crazy doing it. It's not because it's the 5000 time I've done this. It's because I'm ahead of myself and second guessing my writing.
When I've written in the past I've written for me - my own enjoyment. I'm telling the story I want to tell. Writing how I want to write.
This time, I'm writing to suit a readership...and that's terrifying. I keep asking myself, is this word right? am I getting across the right message? am I telling the story someone will want to read? does she sound like a whinger? does she sound like a pushover? does she sound too tough? is she too young? too old? are her friends okay? is that what it's really like? is this going to work?
I've got myself into such a state I had a break of a few days and started writing something else because I was convinced this was all wrong.
I still don;t know for sure, but I'm going to forge ahead. I think it's my fears talking to me and trying to sabotage me. But it could be that I'm right and I've got this all wrong.
One day I'll know for sure.
In the meantime, Lunatic Lookout at Lightning Ridge seems like the right place for me at the moment. I'm sending myself crazy!
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