Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Maloney Boys Update

I have been given the most incredible opportunity, so I have been adding words to my story, The Maloney Boys of Conburroi. It's taken me 5 weeks, which is far longer than I imagined it would take but it was far more difficult that I ever dreamed!

Waiting for the storm
So I'm back to the submission stage...but the good thing this time is that it will be published. The question is how and by who. And that takes a lot of the nail-biting away, for me. I only need to be patient to find out the answer. And after working on this story for so so so long, a little longer can't hurt (too much!).

When you write a story from 4 people's POV, to then go and add another 20% to it sounds easy because you have a lot to work with. But, oh, silly me, it's never as easy as it sounds. Why don't I know that yet?

My 4 stories are balanced rather evenly...and I needed to keep that balance.

I have a couple of large over-reaching issues, which I didn't want to detract from by adding smaller catastrophes.

I needed to keep the 4 strong (I hope) voices I have.

I needed the new words to work in seamlessly, so no one could tell that I added to the story.

My writing is rather sparse, so I couldn't just pad out with extra descriptions...besides 20% of added description would be impossible, surely!

So, those were the challenges. Add to them a shocking chest infection and a week's long holiday and I was majorly stressed. But I worked hard, thought a lot, and with the help of an amazing writing buddy,
a friend and my hubby, I hope I've managed it.

Stay tuned to see how I went - but be warned, this waiting game is serious!

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