Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Oops and Cringes - Girl Guides

I’d been in the Girl Guides since I was 8 years old. When I left Sydney, they arranged for me to link up with the Guides in Wagga. I was relieved that something would be familiar.

One of the first activities I attended was a family picnic to The Rock. The Rock was about 30 km from Wagga Wagga and it’s a small town with a large rocky hill as the scenic attraction. The hill is surrounded by a national park (I think) with picnic facilities.

I met a lovely family, The Bs, who took me under their wing. I helped Mrs B with the food preparation by buttering loaves of bread with canola margarine. We didn’t use this brand at home but she explained how important it was to buy canola products because their farm grew canola. Oh, great! More farmers!

Mrs B told Mr B I was working with the Dept of Ag. So Mr B walked with me to the top of The Rock Hill (which was a huge hike where my calves cramped and I huffed and puffed – I’m not fond of hills!). He had field trials on his property and knew some of the people I worked with, and he knew a hell of a lot more about farming than I did. And I asked him questions. Bucket loads of them. My head grew full of new information.

I can’t remember meeting the Guide leaders at this event. The Bs are those who stand out in my mind. They were lovely, real farmers, and knowledgeable. Plus I now knew to buy canola and support the locals!
I’d found somewhere to belong.

For fear that you’re reading this thinking I’m a total numb-skull, can I just gloat and say that I met Mr B a few years later at a field day and he told me how impressed he was at how much more knowledgeable I’d become. I know, it doesn’t mean much as I had such a low starting base… but I learned with time. There’s hope!!

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