Thursday, 15 May 2014

Gum Bend Lake

This is sunset over Gum Bend Lake, Condobolin, Easter 2004 (I think). The lake wasn't yet dry but it was on the way to becoming dry after the first two years of drought.

Gum Bend Lake is an artificial lake on the western edge of town. It's one of the major tourist attractions in Condobolin. The water is drawn from the Lachlan River that runs right beside the lake. The lake allows for water skiing and is a great location for camping and picnics.

From about 2005 and until 2012 (I think, my memory is a bit hazy), Gum Bend Lake was pretty much dry due to drought. It had a huge negative impact on tourism in the area. Not much to see or do in a drought, when the river and lake are major drawcards.

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