Friday 26 October 2018

Photos - angles and perspectives

I've been thinking about photography because I've enrolled in an online course with Steve Parish, who I've long admired. His course is brilliant, for me, because it's not just about 'how to take a photo' but it's a holistic approach to photography, art, your life, your creativity, what you want to do and where you want to go and how you might get there.

This week, we're to look at angles and perspectives and what makes art. So I played a bit early with these ideas. I'll post more next Friday too - and I might try to do Photos on Friday!

These are all photos of the same rock, on the rock platform at Boat Harbour, Gerringong, taken last Friday, with the same camera, after I went for a swim (and yes, it was too cold!!).

The last image seems to me to be the "dullest" but I'm pretty sure it's the image I'd usually take. But because I was thinking about photography, I moved around and took some more shots to see what woudl look better. More background or less? Straight or crooked? Did it matter which side the shadow fell on, or which side I took the image?
I think I like the top one best. What about you?

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