Monday, 7 April 2014

Publication - finally!

April 4th, 2014.

My Dad's birthday.

Two years since Ellie died.

The day Kate said, "Yes".

I'd had a big day. I went up to Sydney and back on the train to have lunch with my Dad. When I got to Berry station in the morning, buses were running to Kiama due to track work. So I drove to Kiama. I hopped on the train and I began to write. I churned out 2K - fast draft.

I caught up with my Dad and his mate, and we had a scrumptious lunch at Sea Bay Restaurant in the city. Dad's been going there since it opened and is on first name basis with Peter, the owner. It has delicious dumplings and succulent Chinese food. I don't look at the menu, Dad orders the same thing every time. Lamb soup with a steamed bun. Shallot Lamb. Spicy Chicken. Pork Dumpling. Chicken Fried Rice (although sometimes it's beef).

After talking too much, I missed the early train home, even though I ran. So I waited just short of an hour for the next one. Wrote another 3K during wait and on run home. Remembered to get off at Kiama - a plus!

Got home, replete and exhausted. Opened my email to see how much work I needed to urgently do, and saw a message from Kate about my story.

Took a deep breath.

Opened it.

Saw the first line and ran for my husband. Jumped around a lot. Pointed and made him check I read it right. Jumped around more, got a huge hug. Jumped around a bit more.

I thought I was having a huge day when I got home - it got huger opening that email!

It's been a long wait...but the journey's been such a learning curve. I've loved it (even though at times I was so completely annoyed and impatient!)

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