Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Blog Plan

Me and the cheetah, Canberra National Zoo
I've been undecided about this blog, this website, this name. But today, I'm going to commit.

My blog plan is for new posts ever Tuesday and Thursday.

Tuesdays will feature "Oops and Cringe". Tales of the many goofs I've made after moving to the country.

Thursdays I'll have a photograph and a little about it.

I'm thinking of having guests in the future, and they may be on Saturdays. I'm thinking of Quick Quirks, the odd things people keep doing even though they know it's odd.

Here's the shortened form of my indecision (in case you're interested)
I want to write as Catherine Evans because Catherine is the name my mother gave me, and she was rather particular about shortening it. So much so, as a child she trained me not to answer to abbreviated forms!

When I moved to Wagga Wagga, I was told it was too much of a mouthful and became Cath. Although, prior to that, my aunt tried to call me Cathy (not that I answered to that!) but gave up, my grandmother called me Kate, girls at school called me Cate, one friend's sister was so confused by her family calling me all forms of Catherine, she called me Anything, after I'd said, "call me anything, I don't mind."

So, I'd like to honour Mum by being Catherine Evans in print.

But it's a lot to type, and there are a lot of sites of that name, so I'd have to be catherineevansauthor and that's just crazy typing.

I bought cathevans.net many years ago before I thought it all through.

I thought it would be confusing to be Catherine on the cover, yet Cath on the website. But then I remembered Wagga, and people would probably think the shortened form anyway. So, I'm going with cathevans.net.

Welcome to my blog/website!

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