Thursday, 23 May 2013


It's been a rough week. Death, mostly suicide, has been surrounding me. A newly married man took his life last week. My heart breaks for his family, his new wife and her family. How do you understand something like that? Then a friend's loved family pet died. Of course, pets don't commit suicide but it was baited by their own baits. How can I ever understand that? Why do farmers never consider their own dogs when they set up baits? Insane. A friend's father is dying of cancer, which my mum died from, so she wanted to ask about death, what to do when you live away, all that. And it's important to talk about. As a society we never do... but it hurts. It makes me bleed again. Then a closer family member threatened suicide and is now hospitalised. It's been a rough week. I really just want to curl up in a ball in my bed and not get out. Lose myself in a book, or maybe my own writing, and get off the bus for a while. I don't handle well, the horrors of living.

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