Friday 24 May 2019

Visiting Friends

I've been visiting the blogs of some friends lately. If you're interested in popping in and reading my thoughts, please do.

Kim Petersen

Kim is a local author who I've been doing some work with. It's nice to have a 'running mate' to do author talks and workshops with, and to chat and brainstorm over a cuppa.

In one of our chats, Kim invited me to write something for her blog. Her blog posts are all brutally honest and I was a bit hesitant about what I could/should write. In the end I went with something that's been bugging me and I wanted to be clear about.

This is my post on Becoming Whole.

The Jar Writers Collective

Another invitation came from a writing friend, Jodi Cleghorn. She has a group of writers who are looking at creativity in creative and abstract ways. She invited me to write for the theme "Words As..."

As soon as I read that, "Healing" popped into my head. And then the doubts took over. But I'm working on the doubts, so I took a few deep breaths and thanked the doubts for visiting.

The next day, lying on the lawn in the sunshine, I stopped reading as words poured out onto a page. Words that talked about healing. Spoke of my life with books and words. Talked about stories.

Here is Words As Healing:


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