If you don't know Smart Bitches, Trashy Books, it's a group, co-founded by Sarah, based in the USA who discuss all things romance and have been around for 13 years. They have a page for people new to their site, which is here, so you can read a quick overview of their 'mission' and achievements.
I love them because they're fun and funny, taking a light-hearted approach to life...while at the same time discussing serious topics, holding in-depth discussions, and being smart about a genre that's often maligned. They have their finger on the pulse and are an incredible source of information.
Sarah Wendell came to the RWA Conference in Fremantle, in 2013 as a guest presenter and she was an incredible speaker and as effervescent as she sounds in podcasts.
And so...the incredible Kate Cuthbert wrangled us a chat on the podcast. I couldn't decide if I was excited or terrified. The day came around...and wouldn't you know it, I had computer issues, more specifically microphone ones. I could hear but not speak. I had joked about hiding behind Amy and Nicola, but when that became a reality, it was incredibly frustrating. I wanted to be there so badly. I thought I'd missed my chance. Then...
Sarah, in her loveliness, arranged a separate chat for me using a different system. This time no microphone issues. No one to stand behind. Just me, and whatever came into my head (which is sometimes terrifying to even me!).
And today, our podcast is live - Amy and Nicola up first, me at the end. Once again I'm torn between excitement and terror. I have my fingers crossed that I don't say something incredibly stupid, that I come across sounding okay and not like a mad, crazy, hermit who laughs all the time.
Doing this was the best fun. And yes, just like skydiving! Stepping outside your comfort zone can be a lot of fun, especially if you have a smart interviewer like Sarah.
Here's the link:
A huge thank you to Sarah for the chat, and Kate for organising it.
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