Thursday, 29 May 2014

Cameron's Corner

This is Cameron's Corner, where NSW, SA and Qld meet. We were there in Nov 2013, and I'd been there twice before - in 1989 and again in 2004.

It's not a place most people would go to often - but I keep ending up there and in Tibooburra. I love the place. There's nothing much there but the landscape is incredible.

On the recent trip, Pete and I were in a sedan and everything we'd read cast doubts as to whether we'd be able to get to Tibooburra and Cameron's Corner in a sedan. But I'd done it before in 2004, and in 1989 when I was a uni student passenger in a small 12 seater bus. So I was voting that it was possible.

When we got to Tibooburra, the lady in the General Store told us the road to Cameron's Corner was in good condition and we should be right to make it. We set off the next day (it's pretty much a day return trip). It's not an easy drive but we took it slow, we're pretty used to gravel roads and the road was in good condition. There was a lot of wildlife though!

We got to the Corner and went to the pub (I think it was there in 2004 but we didn't stop on that trip. It definitely wasn't there in 1989!). There were four 4WDs at the pub and we drove up in the Commodore, got out and went inside. The guys all stared. While Pete went to order lunch, I heard the murmurs. The guys in the 4WDs were surprised we'd made it in a 2WD. I was a bit annoyed that Pete drove, I would have loved to have seen their faces if I'd got out from behind the wheel of a 2WD!! :)

It's Big Sky Country up there. Beautiful big sky country.

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